Montrose Index Model
Individuals and families benefit from a transparent, clear and simple investment program. We believe they fare best investing in equities and fixed-income by constructing equity-oriented, broadly-diversified portfolios.
We implement a low-cost, index allocation strategy for a majority of a client’s portfolio. We invest in a broad range of U.S. and international equities, incorporating growth, value, large-, medium-, and small- capitalization companies. We include exposure to U.S. bonds, gold, cryptocurrency and real estate. The addition of alternative investments to the portfolio adds a complementary source of return that allows a lower exposure to bonds than would otherwise be recommended. We believe that using alternatives increases the potential return of the portfolio without a proportional increase in risk.
This approach is flexible by design and can capture client-directed specific investment holdings including low-cost legacy investments.
A typical portfolio may be allocated along the following lines:
Past performance is no guarantee of future result. The risk of loss in trading commodity futures contracts can be substantial. This type of investment may not be suitable for all investors.